Tropical storm Edouard is hitting Houston right now. It's actually not that serious, but work decided to close (woohoo!). That allows me to sit at home and watch our wedding video ad nauseum (again, woohoo!).
This past weekend I went up north for a visit. Friday KDB picked me up from the airport, and we met up with SB and went to Lola's. Katie let me borrow her seersucker JCrew dress circa 2004, which I absolutely love. I considered stealing it "by accident" but I didn't, because I am that good a friend.
Here are the three of us (and the pretty dress) before dinner:

Lolas famous sangria: (one of the many pitchers we had)

Saturday I surpriesd LC at her birthday party. But I didn't get any pics of this, unfortunately.
Saturday, I went with G and Cath to brunch at
Splash and had such a great time. The food was amazing, and the atmosphere was great. We've decided to make it a tradition.
Here we are at the restaurant:

This was the view from the restaurant. I wish I could have taken a picture of the temperature. It was perfect.