Friday, October 3, 2008


Rosh Hashana was this past Tuesday, and my birthday was the Tuesday before that. And so.. for the new Jewish year and new Gali year, I resolve to post on the blog on a more regular basis. The new SLR camera that Jay got me for my birthday will also, I am sure, help to strengthen my resolve.

Tomorrow we are having the belated double b-day bash. We still need to get the food, prepare the food, give Audie a bath (he stinks!!), tidy up the house, get a few last minuted things at Pottery Barn, and find a BBQ outfit. The last two things are probably more "me" than "we," but that's just symantics.

This post is kind of boring since there are no pictures (I have yet to figure out how to take nice, un-fuzzy pictures with my camera), but I promise that I will not make a habit of posting picture-less entries to the blog.

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